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Saturday, February 13, 2010

New Year Of Love-12-13-14/2/10

Old Hong Kong
A week before, Out with the old, In with the new. Door, gates, & US, new shinny & bright. Everything made ready for better luck in the New Year. The shelves of the stores are empty now. Do we have enough for family & old & new friends to celebrate? Clubs, bars & restaurants, Full on the eve of the day.
Fireworks...Lion Dancers...A fog of incense & prayer cloaks the town. So crowded it takes at least a half hour to walk one block. All transport chock a block . Going to see family who can't come to us.
TVB, ATV...all day festive programs for the day. All your favorite performers reval on the stage...just for YOU. Joy, an uplifting of spirit, & an emptying of wallets for gifts & Laisee. Companionship of family & friends...A new beginning. JOY!

Hong Kong growing into it's future
Colder & wetter than remembered. fireworks that seemed to last forever, now an afterthought. So many channels on TV now. No camaraderie of the major stations to celebrate the Old & the New. Wi-Fi now lets you roam free. No need to sit in a crowded room to try to see the screen. This year with a theme of LOVE for Valentines Day. I've seen more celebration in other years for 2/14. Flowers & candy flowed freely then, & diets were put aside for another time. The young know more NET games than new family members. Will they meet them during summer break? I hope the lions will dance this year. And all the Buddhas are revered. If not here...than where ever we all have gone.
A quiet Beginning...more solemn than i've ever seen it, even out in the new towns.We still spend... fill the red packets....Prepare the food for family & friends. Then exit our borders for more joyous places.
Still...it is a beginning.

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