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Monday, September 18, 2017


                                TATIB - Egyptian Stick Dance

A Worthy Share !

The Art of Tahtib (Stick Fighting)

history and origion :

Tahtib ( stick fighting Art ) is an ancient Egyptian heritage , back to the old Egypt.
Tahtib created by the pharaohs for gradiation and fighting to achieve physical and mental perfection of man .
Tahtib is a kind of Maritial Art , and the oldest marital art in history using the stick .
Tahtib has become for over 5000 years cares about participation and group revelry .
Its rules and laws were inscribed on walls in Abusir archaeological area in the old kingdom( 5th Dynasty 2800 BC) . In another hand Tahtib has appeared as a scene of festivity in the modern kingdom period ( 1500_100 BC) on the wall of archaeological zones luxor and saqqara , also found inscriptions archaeogical in the region of the tombs of Tuna El _Gabal and the tombs of Beni _Hassan in " Minya" which confirm that Tahtib had practiced by the residents last mentiond in old kingdom was in (11th _12th Dynasty ).

Tahtib through after old kingdom period :

Tahtib had continued as asport after old kingdom not only as a sport , but also part of the training of soldiers to defend the kingdom in ancient Egypt.

Tahtib in Roman times :

there is no doubt that during the weak Greek and Roman eras Tahtib had continued and in the primitive christian literature was mentioned that Tahtib was found for entertainment and as a kind of folk art shows at festivals and weddings .
Despite the multiplicity of insciptions on the walls of the tombs of the ancient Egyptions throughout the old Egyptian history since the old kingdom ( 2681 - 2191 BC ) and even Alexander the great period ( 332 BC ) which show scenes of the sport of Tahtib , but the begining of the ancient Egyptian knowledge of the history Tahtib and exercise of it is still shrounded in a lot of mystery .
It is worth noting that most of martial arts in the world has taken a lot of Tahtib rules as the oldest martial art in history , as the device is used in Tahtib the stick is the oldest defensive device in the world .
now a days Tahtib has been practicing in different ways as a maritail Art ,a folkloric dance , a tradition for the villagers , a stick game , a kind of sport or as a technique of self - defense.
Finally Tahtib has been incorporated and registered as an Egyptian pure heritage in UNESCO representative list of cultural organization intangible heritage in the Ethiopian capetal Addis Ababa from28 November to 2 December 2016.
It is the reality of our belief in the importance of heritage and preserved it we have set up a center for teaching the art of Tahtib with all its rules and its assets which ancient Egyptions invented.

Identification card:

the international center for teaching arts of Tahtib ( stick fighting )
It is a volunteer center " non - profit " we have created our selves for the training and teaching who wish to learn arts of Tahtib . it is the first specialized center for teaching Tahtib as a maritial art in Egypt .

Our objectives :

- To preserve of this ancient culture heritage , defuse and define it .
- To inform a spicified entity worthy of the oldest maritial art , and of this ancient feature of heritage.
- representate Egypt in international forums and festivals.
- Seek to set up an international consortium for Tahtib worthy of the historical and civilizational posation of Egypt .
-look forward to organizing an international tournament specialy after the registering it by the UNESCO as an intangible human heritage.

find us :
Email : sabry.tahtib@yahoo.com

facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Tahtib

YouTube (1): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuzd5jm_5xsQgYc2JOYYt9Q

YouTube (2): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCp1b8KrnXofOdpBrs8AJirA

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